Thursday, January 30, 2020
Optic Flow Essay Example for Free
Optic Flow Essay The study of optic flow becomes much more complicated when the movement of an observer towards a surface or object is not straight on. In fact, even in the more straightforward condition of straight ahead condition, Gibsons mathematical analysis was wrong. In situations when, for example, we are walking or driving, it is commonly necessary to estimate the chances of collision with an object or surface towards which we are moving obliquely. Similarly, we dont always look straight ahead when moving. The resulting oblique relationships between angle of gaze, direction of movement, and converging paths are much more difficult to analyze. Cutting (1996; Cutting et al. , 1999), has made major contributions to the study of perception during motion by enriching knowledge of the complexities of optic flow. Sensory stimulation is a chemical process which occurs between the human body and brain. When we experience sensation, body is exposed to some type of sensory stimulation. The sensory receptors then receive this information, and transmit it to the brain using neural impulses, or neurotransmitters. There it is interpreted into the correct sensation. Sensations are the basic building blocks of perception. Perception is the process of organizing and making sense of sensory input. Perception allows us to better interpret the information sensory receptors receive, and form images of the world around us. Transduction is what happens when the receptors transform the energies they receive into a form that can be interpreted and utilized by the nervous system. Human beings are able to experience various sensations because the nervous system encodes the messages we are receiving and interpreting. In his doctrine of specific nerve energies, Johannes Muller theorizes that different sensory modes exist because the information received by sensory receptors stimulates different synapses when traveling back to the brain. This is known as anatomical encoding. This type of encoding determines which sensory organ is activated by a certain type of stimulation, according to which specific neural pathway it travels. (Wade, Tavris, 2006). Anatomical Encoding and Sensory Modalities Anatomical encoding does not totally explain how or why different sensory modalities exist independently. Scientists found it difficult to link specific skin senses to individual neural pathways; neither does the doctrine of specific nerve energies explain variations of stimulus within a certain sensory experience, i. . the softness of an animals fur versus the coarseness of sandpaper, or the distinction between the colors light blue and dark blue. A second type of encoding, called functional encoding, is therefore required to make sense of these differentials in sensory perception. According to Wade and Tavris, functional codes rely on the fact that sensory receptors and neurons fire, or are inhibited from firing, only in the presence of specific sorts of stimuli (2006). This means that any given time, some neurons are firing, and some are not. The information regarding the rate of, number of, and patterning of each cells firing is what forms a particular functional code. Sensory adaptation occurs when continual exposure to the same sensory stimulus results in decreased sensitivity to the presented stimulus. Basically this means that given enough time, senses learn to become accustomed to the stimulation receptors gather. The sensory system brings information regarding environment to brains. They help us to interact with environment. The sensory system is made up of five senses, which correspond to five sense organs. The five senses are vision, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. These correspond with the eyes, ears, tongue, skin, and nose. Each of these contains sensory neurons, which transmit impulses to the central nervous system. The information is processed and from that we receive a perception which we interpret and which may change behavior accordingly. This is called Transduction which is the process of the receptors changed the information they receive into a form which the nervous system can utilize. Spatial Projection and The Surface Of The Body Up To The Cortex The visual, auditory, and somatic systemsindeed, all the sensesseem to maintain a spatial projection from the surface of the body up to the cortex. Moreover, connections in each system must be very precise for the signals from the various receptors to be kept straight as they pass up the system. The precision of arrangement is remarkable. (Lappe, M. 2000) It should be in order to ask how such an arrangement came about. What factors are at work as the organism develops to make all the connections come out right? To this question we now have an answer. First, Weiss, then L. S. Stone, and more recently Sperry have gone through a series of ingenious experiments to pin down the factors that control how connections are formed in the nervous system. Sperry, for example, has crossed the sensory and motor nerves in the legs of the rat, and from that has picked up some clues. He has also cut the optic nerve, rotated the eyeballs in various degrees, allowed the nerves to regenerate and then tested animals for the return of spatial vision. There are many details to his experiments, and they prove somewhat confusing, but the upshot of them all is this: Nerve fibers grow back to make the same connections that they made in the first place. To put the matter in another way, the nerve cells along the sensory pathways have some sort of biochemical tags that keep them straight when connections are being laid down. One might say that each nerve cell has a name and that other nerve cells know what that name is. It is still a mystery what these names are and how the cells know each others names and that will be a subject for future research. At any rate, nerves can be badly cut, mangled, and twisted, but somehow or other nerve fibers get back where they belong. For us, it is interesting to know that biochemical factors are at work in laying out the spatial arrangements of the nervous pathways. Lateral dominance has also been a serious problem in getting at the anatomical basis of cognition. That one of hands or feet or eyes is the major one and the other the minor one is a fact not easily disputed. We know, too, that in some affairs one side of the brain is dominant; that is to say, it plays a major role in perception or action, while the other side is minor. Although people have often argued about how important lateral dominance is and how many of the worlds ills it accounts for, few deny altogether that it exists. We must, in fact, believe that some parts of the brain, like the speech area, show very strong one-sidedness and that, in the case of others, the sides share about equally in the functions that concern them. If that be true, how can we tell where to look for a particular function? If one kind of cognition belongs to one side of the brain and we make a lesion in the other side, we will completely miss the point. Or if a type of cognition shares equally corresponding areas on both sides, it takes a perfect bilateral lesion in the areas to make the localization known. We ought to consider, too, the matter of individual differences. We find it natural to say that people are different in the measurements of personality, intelligence, or some other aspect of behavior, but we often seem to assume that brains are standard products turned out on an assembly line so that they look as much alike as new cars. The fact is that brains vary a lot in their size and shape. Lashley has been going into that matter lately, and he assures us that there are individual differences in brain anatomy. It appears that any speculation in this respect is restricted by conditions which are inherent in research experiments. According to observations, only objects or patterns cause any demonstrable satiation. Hence, we must find a process which accompanies object or pattern vision rather than the perception of homogeneous surfaces. The alpha rhythm of the human brain is much more seriously disturbed by visual objects or patterns than it is by a bright homogeneous field. Adrian suggests that it is attention to which the alpha rhythm is so sensitive. But there remains the other possibility that, quite apart from this factor, the rhythm is strongly disturbed by a visual process which accompanies the perception of objects or patterns. Vision Optic Flow and Perception It seems safe to say that, in terms of stimulation, an object is an area (or a volume) which differs from its environment either as a whole or along its boundary. We see things of any kind only when a relation of inequality obtains between the stimulation in one area and that in another, surrounding, and area. Thus it seems plausible to assume that the process which goes with object or pattern vision is a relationally determined process, and that satiation is established in regions in which this process takes place for some time. Relational determination is not a familiar term. Relationally determined processes are extremely common in physics. For instance, if temperatures differ in two parts of a system, a current of heat energy is established which tends to equalize the temperatures. The direction of the flow depends upon the direction of the difference, and in the absence of any difference there is no flow. Merchant, H. , Battaglia-Mayer, A. , Georgopoulos, A. P. 2001) Similarly, if a solution which contains certain molecules is surrounded by a second solution which contains these molecules in a different concentration, a current of diffusion will be observed, unless the solutions are separated by an impermeable barrier. The current flows as long as the concentrations differ. Thus, it is again a relation of inequality between the two parts of the system which maintains the process. Incidentally, examples exhibit relational determination in more than one sense. As the currents of heat or diffusion spread, their distribution in space depends upon the shape of the boundary at which the parts of the systems are in contact. This shape is defined in terms of geometrical relations among parts rather than of merely local conditions, and the distribution of the flow adapts itself to such relations. Therefore, not only the flow as such is relationally determined, but the same holds also for its pattern in space. Some such processes cause obstructions in the medium in which they occur, and that in this fashion after-effects are established when later further processes spread in the same medium. The relationally determined process which underlies pattern vision is a direct electric current and that such a current flow when conditions of excitation in one part of the visual cortex differ from those in an adjacent part. An attempt was also made to explain how the electromotive forces originate which drive the current from one part to the other, and back again to the former. The explanation involved no hypothesis which is at odds with available knowledge of nerve impulses and their influence upon cortical tissue. Vaina, L. M. , Rushton, S. K. 2000) Rather, those forces were derived from concepts which play a great role in present neurophysiological discussions. Nevertheless, this particular part of the theory need not now be described, because there may be various ways of deriving electromotive forces which would drive a direct current through the tissue. It seems that, whatever choice may be, the distribution of the flow as such would always be about the same. It is this flow which we will now consider. The flow would spread through the tissue as a volume conductor, which is to say that, in this connection, the brain must be regarded as a continuous medium to which principles of continuity physics apply. In this respect, there is a possibility which is implicit in present neurophysiology, even though its consequences have, until recently, not been explicitly considered. Surely, if the potentials of the alpha rhythm as well as those of on and off effects can spread through the skull, there is nothing in the brain to prevent such potentials from spreading through this medium as a continuum. As a result, it can hardly be a disturbing thesis that a steadier flow would do the same. (Sherk, H. , Fowler, G. A. 2001) In flowing through a continuum, a direct current assumes a distribution which is relationally determined by the shape of given boundaries. In object or pattern vision, the boundaries in question would be those between cortical areas in which retinal stimulation establishes different kinds or degrees of excitation. It will suffice if we consider a fact which concerns only the distribution of the current as such, and is quite independent of further theorizing. If excitation within a circumscribed cortical area differs from that in its environment, the resulting current must circle around the boundary at which the two areas are in contact. Moreover, unless the surrounded area is very large, the current must be denser in this area than it is in the environment in which it can spread widely. This is true whether or not local excitation is higher in the circumscribed area. Thus, if a black object is shown on a white background, the density of the flow must be maximal within the area of the black object, just as it is maximal within the area of a white object surrounded by black. Satiation and Proximal Energy We can now turn to the problem of satiation. The present theory has no difficulty in solving this problem. Any direct currents which flow through the nervous system polarize the surfaces of cells, and also change their polarizability. Generally speaking, this effect, the so-called electrotonus, has the character of an obstruction. Further currents which afterwards flow through the same medium are weakened. At the same time, they suffer changes of their distribution in space. We are not introducing a special hypothesis if we assume that the currents of theory are also electrotonically active, and that the resulting obstructions follow the same rules as hold for electrotonus in general. For instance, the degree to which the various parts of the medium are electrotonically affected is directly related to the density of the current in those parts. Now we know that the density of the currents postulated in theory must be maximal within the area of a circumscribed object, still great in adjacent parts, and progressively lower at greater distances. Perception is treated throughout as the representation to the individual of real, physical states of affairs of both the external environment and of the self. The former include objects, persons, scenery events, and extended terrain and spaces. States of the self include postures, movements, and activities such as reaching, standing, running, and speaking. Although it is obvious that own physical states are represented to uswe readily and immediately perceive what we are doingthis aspect of perception is usually overlooked in the theoretical treatments, with notable exceptions (Gibson, 1979) Physical states of both the environment and the individual give rise to patterns of energy at the sensory receptors. These patterns, which usually vary over time as well as space, are the proximal stimuli that initiate the chain of neural activity and culminate in a perceptual representation. Certain features of these proximal energy patterns correlate with particular properties or attributes of a physical state of affairs. For example, both the size of the retinal image and the degree of convergence of the eyes correlate with the size of an external object. Likewise, a pattern of stimulation in the joints, tendons, and muscles of an arm correlates with its position. A point to be emphasized is that the features of the proximal stimulus pattern are not simply replicas or necessarily even rough copies of the physical properties that give rise to them. Rather they correlate with them. For example, binocular disparity is in no sense a replica of observer-object distance; it is a correlate of it. This view was first adumbrated clearly by Gibson (1950, 1959) and is emphasized here.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Eating Disorders And Gymnastics Essay examples -- Athletes Sports Pape
Eating Disorders And Gymnastics Eating disorders are especially common among athletes because the pressure of the sport environment frequently precipitates the onset of these problems. In this population, certain compulsive behaviors such as excessive exercise and restricted eating patterns are seen as acceptable, and pathogenic methods of weight control are often introduced. In addition, concern about body size and shape is increased because of the "social influence for thinness [from coaches and peers], anxiety about athletic performance, and negative self-appraisal of athletic achievement" (Williamson et al. 1995). Finally, the competitive nature of sports reinforces characteristics such as "perfectionism, high achievement motivation, obsessive behavior, control of physique, and attention to detail" (Ludwig 1996). Most successful athletes are more determined and more disciplined than the average individual. They often set very high goals for themselves and work extra hours each day to reach them. These same attr ibutes, however, can lead to eating disorders and are often found in anorexic and bulimic patients. Are certain types of sports more prone to develop eating disorders than others? Eating disorders are obviously found in all sports, but athletes participating in activities that emphasize leanness for performance and appearance are at a significantly greater risk. Thus, gymnasts, long-distance runners, divers, and figure skaters are more prone to developing eating disorders and related problems than those who compete in nonweight-restricting sports such as volleyball or football. Furthermore, disordered eating patterns are found more in female athletes than in males. In a NCAA survey of collegiate athl... ...utjesdyk, D., & Jevne, R. (1993). "Eating disorders among high performance athletes". Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 22, 271-281. 13. Sundgot-Borgen, J. (1994). "Risk and trigger factors for the development of eating disorders in female elite athletes". Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 414-418. 14. "Ultra slim & fast" (1996). Psychology Today, 29, 17-18. 15. Vuori, Ilkka (1996). "Peak bone mass and physical activity: a short review". Nutrition Reviews, 54, S11-17. 16. Warren, B., Stanton, A., & Blessing, D. (1990). "Disordered eating patterns in competitive female athletes". International Journal of Eating Disorders, 9, 565- 569. 17. Williamson, D. et al. (1995). "Structural equation modeling of risk factors for the development of eating disorder symptoms in female athletes". International Journal of Eating Disorders, 17, 387-393.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Ratio: Balance Sheet and Financial Results
UVA-C-2332 Rev. Oct. 17, 2012 RATIOS TELL A STORYââ¬â2011 Financial results and conditions vary among companies for a number of reasons. One reason for the variation can be traced to the characteristics of the industries in which companies operate. For example, some industries require large investments in property, plant, and equipment (PP&E), while others require very little. In some industries, the competitive productpricing structure permits companies to earn significant profits per sales dollar, while in other industries the product-pricing structure imposes a much lower profit margin.In most low-margin industries, however, companies often experience a relatively high rate of product throughput. A second reason for some of the variation in financial results and conditions among companies is the result of management philosophy and policy. Some companies reduce their manufacturing capacity to match more closely their immediate sales prospects, while others carry excess capacity to be prepared for future sales growth. Also, some companies finance their assets with borrowed funds, while others avoid that leverage and choose instead to finance their assets with ownersââ¬â¢ equity.And some corporate management teams choose to not pay dividends to their owners, preferring to reinvest those funds in the company. Of course, another reason for some of the variation in reported financial results among companies is the differing competencies of management. Given the same industry characteristics and the same management policies, different companies may report different financial results simply because their managements perform differently. And last, one other reason is that some industries are more susceptible to macroeconomic conditions than others.This can be true when macroeconomic conditions (e. g. , foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and taxes) are weak and deteriorating as well as when they are strong and improving. Or this can also be true when such conditions are stable versus volatile. Those differences in industry characteristics, in company policies, in management performance, and in responsiveness to the macroeconomic environment are reflected in the financial statements published by publicly held companies. Furthermore, they can be highlighted through the use of financial ratios.Exhibit 1 presents balance sheets, in percentage form, and This case was prepared by Professor Mark E. Haskins, Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, and has benefited from collaborations with various colleagues over the years on earlier versions. It was written as a basis for discussion rather than to illustrate effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation. Copyright ? 2012 by the University of Virginia Darden School Foundation, Charlottesville, VA. All rights reserved.To order copies, send an e-mail to [emailà protected] com. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any meansââ¬âelectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwiseââ¬âwithout the permission of the Darden School Foundation. ? -2- UVA-C-2332 selected financial ratios computed from fiscal year 2011 balance sheets and income statements for 13 companies from the following industries: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? irline railroad pharmaceuticals commercial banking photographic equipment, printing, and sales discount general-merchandise retail electric utility fast-food restaurant chain wholesale food distribution supermarket (grocery) chain Internet retailing advertising agency services computer software development Study the balance sheet profiles and the financial ratios listed for each of the 13 companies as presented in Exhibit 1. 1 Your assignment is to use your intuition, common sense, and basic understanding of the unique attributes of each industry listed above to match each column in the exhibit with one of the indus tries.Be prepared to give the reasons for your pairings, citing the data that seems to be consistent with the characteristics of the industry you selected. Ours is not a perfect world, however, and for our class discussion, it will be helpful if you will also identify those pieces of data that seem to contradict the pairings you have made. Please note that using the data available here, you will find it difficult to identify those companies whose financial results differ because of management policy and competence.Please note in Exhibit 1: OCI = Other Comprehensive Income, CFFO = Cash Flow From Operations, ST = Short Term, and LT = Long Term. 1 -3The ratios in Exhibit 1 are based on the following formulas: 1. ROS (return on sales) = Net income Net sales Net sales Average total assets Net income Average total assets ROS ? Asset turnover Average total assets Average total ownersââ¬â¢ equity Net income Average total ownersââ¬â¢ equity ROA ? Financial leverage Total current assets Total current liabilities Cost of goods sold Average ending inventory Average accounts receivable Net sales/365 days UVA-C-2332 . Asset turnover = 3. ROA (return on assets) or = = 4. Financial leverage = 5. ROE (return on equity) or = = 6. Current ratio = 7. Inventory turnover = 8. Receivables collection = 9. Revenue growth = This yearââ¬â¢s net salesââ¬âLast yearââ¬â¢s net sales Last yearââ¬â¢s net sales Net salesââ¬âCost of goods sold Net sales Cash dividends Net income Research and development expense Net sales 10. Gross margin = 11. Dividend payout 12. R&D ratio = = -4Exhibit 1 RATIOS TE ELL A STORY Yââ¬â2011 Selected Financ Data for 13 C S cial Companies (b balance sheet amou are percentage of total assets) unts UVA-C-2332 V
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Descriptive Statistics Essay - 3837 Words
Descriptive Statistics One of the most beloved sports in America is Major League Baseball. This professional sport spends billions of dollars each year enhancing the chances to reach the ultimate goal in winning the World Series. Major League Baseball is one of the few remaining sports that have an uneven balance in the franchise wage capacity to acquire top talented players. The areas of concentration in this research paper will be player salaries, winning percentage, player performance, and salary caps. The disparity in payroll numbers among the lowest and highest-market capitalizations brings about the question; Can a small-market team be viable and compete against the marquee players? The data examined here may or mayâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Comparing them to the Cleveland Indians who were ranked number 23 out of 30 top salaries in the league, they also had 96 wins that year. (CBSSports, 2007) Salaries have no direct impact on the number of wins in a season based on the payroll budget per team. Major League Baseball does not have a salary cap, but they have installed a luxury tax. The New York Yankees have had to pay this luxury tax, yet for 7 straight seasons they have not won a World Series. The Angels who are number 4 in the payroll standings missed the playoffs altogether in 2006. (CBSSports, 2007) The New York Yankees and the Cleveland Indians both won 94 games during the baseball season; however, the New York Yankees spent $129 million dollars more than the Cleveland Indians. (Silver, 2007) The opportunity to gain more elite players in a particular franchise is imminent when the payroll budget is excessive, but it does not necessarily determine the number of wins. Even the highest paid players may have off-seasons when they may not play at their fullest potential. Two of the highest paid players are on the New York Yankees, yet their number of wins is the same as the Cleveland Indians. CBSSports shows that not one of the Cleveland Indian players has made the top 50 salaries in Major League Baseball (CBSSports, 2007). The subsequent research papers will focus on investigating and examining all pertinent data that will accuratelyShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Statistics : An Definition Of Statistics Essay934 Words à |à 4 PagesIntroduction to descriptive statistics help: Definition of Statistics: In simple terms, statistics is termed as a branch of mathematics which basically deals with collection of data and its subsequent analysis and interpretation both qualitatively and quantitatively. In most of the cases the data is numerical, but there are also cases when the data is non-numerical such as relationship between objects. 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